Good Evening.

I'm Paulo Marcos.

Software Engineer Specialized in Artificial Intelligence

More About Me

Who am I?

Profile Picture

I am passionate about Artificial Intelligence and how it can improve the lives of people.


Software Engineer who specializes in AI to help business thrive. My mission is to transform positively the lives of people with artificial intelligence.

  • Fullname: Paulo Marcos Dores Junior
  • Job: Software Engineer
  • Specialization: AI, Deep Learning, NLP, Computer Vision
  • Website:

More of my credentials.

Below you can find where I have worked and studied so far.

Work Experience

Backend Engineer

June 2022 - Present
Tokyo - Japan

Wealth Park Inc.

Planned and developed a feature that reduces 90% of the time it takes for Operators to create multiple cards for property owners. Engineer responsible for developing AI features, including AI powered Slack bot.

Software Engineer

April 2019 - Present
Tokyo - Japan

ZMP Inc.

Vision Engineer in charge of developing obstacle detection system for visually impaired people using phone camera and Lidar. Led project of human robot interaction systems to improve communication between humans and robots. I also developed and improved algorithms for robot vision in autonomous driving vehicles.

Part-time Software Developer

September 2014 - March 2016
Curitiba - Brazil


Developed a scheduling system for small cities in Brazil using Ruby on Rails and Javascript.

Co-op Software Developer

April 2014 - July 2014
Victoria - Canada


Developed and implemented from the ground up an accessible Single Switch Movie Player for individuals with severe cognitive and physical disabilities. Used Qt creator, C++ and shellscript.


Master Degree

April 2017 - March 2019
Tokyo - Japan

Keio University

I developed a multimodal deep learning framework to detect liquid in cups and glasses with Professor Hideo Saito and Associate Professor Yuko Ozasa as advisors. I was also fully granted with the MEXT Scholarship.

Research Student

April 2016 - March 2017
Tokyo - Japan

Keio University

Entered in Keio University as a research student in the Hyper Vision Research Laboratory of Professor Hideo Saito. Studied about computer vision, deep learning, Caffe Framework and Japanese language.

International Student

July 2013 - August 2014
Victoria - Canada

University of Victoria

Full year scholarship granted to selected students by the Science Without Borders program in Brazil.

Bachelor Degree

March 2011 - March 2016
Curitiba - Brazil

Federal University of Parana

Lectured Linux courses for freshman and web design courses for high school students. Created the University Clubs Association to bring the cultura of university clubs to Brazil. Wrote the graduation report with the title of "Development of Web Platform for Child Learning" developed using Ruby on Rails.


Check Out Some of My Works.

I try to keep improving in different aspects of life everyday. Below you can find what I have done so far including blog posts, videos, research and more.


What Can I Do For You?

I specialize in making parts of your business run on autopilot. We can use a variety of automation tools, AI techniques and different APIs to speed up your pipelines, reduce costs and overall improve your business significantly.


I'd Love To Hear From You.

If you want to know more about me or if you have any feedback or questions, please don't hesitate in dropping me a message or two.

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Where to find me


Email Me At

paulomarcosdj |at|

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